Pregnancy-safe Skincare and Cosmetic Products in Thailand

2018-07-09 12:07:06
#ingridients to avoid for pregnancy skincare cosmetics #pregnancy safe beauty products

Many moms allow themselves to suffer from pregnancy-related skin problems, such as acne, dark spots, stretch marks and skin dryness/oiliness. They all want to remain beautiful yet are afraid that their existing beauty routine may harm their babies. This problem – selecting safe skincare product – also drags on to breastfeeding period. Ironically, pregnancy and motherhood are the most precious and beautiful memories in a woman’s life.

PregSkin has developed some of the best pregnancy skincare products that are safe for both moms and babies in Thailand.

PregSkin found solutions to meet the most commonly found concerns for new moms including:

Acne: Not knowing which products are safe to use, a lot of moms decide to not treat acne and compromise their blemish-free skin for their babies’ safety during this period. The good news is… there is no need to endure acne during these precious nine months and beyond.

You can safely treat and prevent pregnancy acne with PregSkin Blemish Control Skin-Clearing Serum.

Skin Darkening and Pigments: Unfortunately, most whitening/brightening products out there are not recommended for use during pregnancy.  Both PregSkin Blemish Control Skin-Clearing Serum and Brightening Age-Defying Moisturizing Facial Cream work together synergistically to ensure radiant, even-tone, youthful-looking skin without compromising your baby’s safety.

Stretch Marks: Pregnancy takes a great toll on your body and stretches your body in a very rapid manner, causing the skin to tear and struggle to build collagen fast enough to repair the damage. In some women, these stretch marks may never fully disappear.

Try PregSkin Intensive Hydrating Stretch Mark Butter beginning your first trimester until months after delivery for a smooth, firm, fully moisturized baby bump. Early prevention and consistency is crucial to maintaining beautiful belly skin.

stretch marks prevention cream

These solutions are based on rigorous research by Pattamon while studying at Massachusett’s Institute of Technology (MIT). Read more about Pattamon – Founder of PregSkin who believes that all moms deserve to remain beautiful "because beauty cannot be compromised.”


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Website: https://pregskin.com/



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